Wednesday 13 January 2016

How I made mixed media art in one evening

Plan for it, learn new things, keep growing, thats all youve ever needed to do, that will take you to your goals - Leonie Dawson.

With that in mind, I was watching some Youtube videos and mixed media and altered art and was so inspire to make my own piece. So I did! then I made this video all about it, I kinda go off topic about moving house and internalising guilt that makes you ill but its all good ;)

Check me out ;)

Always learning something new and playing around with new techniques, I tried making some mixed media artwork, this was my first attempt. I am in total love and really enjoyed feeling free, the creative process just flowed from me.

I was so in love, I stayed up and made another one!

Ohh I can see me becoming addicted to these! someone on my facebook page has asked me to do a workshop on them, so when I have moved and got the studio set up, thats what I shall do - awesome!

Love Dotty xx

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