Friday, 30 October 2015

Elderberry dying and planetary shifts!

What have I been doing?

 Yesterday I went to my friends farm for a catch up, I haven't seen her for so long and since finishing my job I have felt pretty low, I am sure there are a lot of us now feeling the planetary shifts and the pull of the Moon, I keep getting very emotional and feeling pretty sorry for myself for no reason, so i have been honouring myself, listening to my body and feeling what I really need to do and that has been resting, getting back into nature, playing with herbs and drawing, my wonderful friend Helen has been feeling the same as me too but she is so lovely she did some crystal healing on me and my spirit animal was a unicorn!!! how happy am I, it ties in perfectly with this commission I did for a friends daughter for Christmas. (did I mention I take commisions #sorrynotsorry)

Today I had a lovely day watching children's films including Spiderwick Chronicles for the 3rd time, eating dark chocolate infused with orange oil and doing some art, I finished off this boho box, perfect for storing smudge sticks or fancy pants jewellery, it has glitter on the top too, can't ever have enough glitter!

You know the other day I was making elderberry tonic for winter? well I thought it would be fun to have a go at dying some clothes with the leftover pulp, I attempted to tie dye a pair of big bum warmer knickers and a vest top, I haven't done tie dying since I was at textile college years ago, so I just winged it with pennies and string! 
I put the clothes in the pan over night to steep in the cold berry pulp and next day rinsed them off, I didn't use any setting stuff so maybe when they have been in the wash it will come out but for now I am really pleased with the result.

My knickers look great too but I have kept them for the Mr hahaha!

Have you been feeling the planetary shifts? What do you do when you feel off balance?

What is an energy shift?

You can have a personal energy shift effected by things like physical ailments, eating certain foods, taking certain medications or herbs, etc. What I am mostly referring to in this article is a Planetary Energy Shift. So that is when we have something like a Solar Flare that creates a geomagnetic storm on earth and we all start feeling the effects from that. Each Energy Shift is SLIGHTLY different and each person might experience it slightly differently. You might have a severe headache and dizziness, with a lot of emotional stuff coming up like crying at the drop of a hat with one shift ... and then when another one rolls around days or weeks later (they occur sporadically!) you feel really good emotionally but are maybe just really tired. Or you might have repeat symptoms every time a specific energy shift takes place - nearly every time we have a large Solar Flare or CME that is earth-facing, I get headaches. Sometimes I even experience dizziness and tiredness along with a headache before I even know about the solar flare and it doesn't last too long - maybe an hour or less. The headaches sometimes will last nearly the entire day. - Read the full article here

Love Dotty xx
You can have a personal energy shift effected by things like physical ailments, eating certain foods, taking certain medications or herbs, etc. What I am mostly referring to in this article is a Planetary Energy Shift. So that is when we have something like a Solar Flare that creates a geomagnetic storm on earth and we all start feeling the effects from that. Each Energy Shift is SLIGHTLY different and each person might experience it slightly differently. You might have a severe headache and dizziness, with a lot of emotional stuff coming up like crying at the drop of a hat with one shift ... and then when another one rolls around days or weeks later (they occur sporadically!) you feel really good emotionally but are maybe just really tired. Or you might have repeat symptoms every time a specific energy shift takes place - nearly every time we have a large Solar Flare or CME that is earth-facing, I get headaches. Sometimes I even experience dizziness and tiredness along with a headache before I even know about the solar flare and it doesn't last too long - maybe an hour or less. The headaches sometimes will last nearly the en tire day. - See more at:

You can have a personal energy shift effected by things like physical ailments, eating certain foods, taking certain medications or herbs, etc. What I am mostly referring to in this article is a Planetary Energy Shift. So that is when we have something like a Solar Flare that creates a geomagnetic storm on earth and we all start feeling the effects from that. Each Energy Shift is SLIGHTLY different and each person might experience it slightly differently. You might have a severe headache and dizziness, with a lot of emotional stuff coming up like crying at the drop of a hat with one shift ... and then when another one rolls around days or weeks later (they occur sporadically!) you feel really good emotionally but are maybe just really tired. Or you might have repeat symptoms every time a specific energy shift takes place - nearly every time we have a large Solar Flare or CME that is earth-facing, I get headaches. Sometimes I even experience dizziness and tiredness along with a headache before I even know about the solar flare and it doesn't last too long - maybe an hour or less. The headaches sometimes will last nearly the en tire day. - See more at:

You can have a personal energy shift effected by things like physical ailments, eating certain foods, taking certain medications or herbs, etc. What I am mostly referring to in this article is a Planetary Energy Shift. So that is when we have something like a Solar Flare that creates a geomagnetic storm on earth and we all start feeling the effects from that. Each Energy Shift is SLIGHTLY different and each person might experience it slightly differently. You might have a severe headache and dizziness, with a lot of emotional stuff coming up like crying at the drop of a hat with one shift ... and then when another one rolls around days or weeks later (they occur sporadically!) you feel really good emotionally but are maybe just really tired. Or you might have repeat symptoms every time a specific energy shift takes place - nearly every time we have a large Solar Flare or CME that is earth-facing, I get headaches. Sometimes I even experience dizziness and tiredness along with a headache before I even know about the solar flare and it doesn't last too long - maybe an hour or less. The headaches sometimes will last nearly the en tire day. - See more at:

Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Art and affirmations

Sharing some art with you today because I love drawing! since my post last week I have really taken it on board that I need to chill out, lately I feel overwhelmed and pretty emotional, not sure if it because of some weird planetary shift, the supermoon tonight or that I am just over tired and worn out, I do know if I wasn't in tune to myself and this was years ago I would be at the doctors for depression tablets by now!

This is an affirmations canvas I did for our bedroom, its huge and hangs at the end of my bed, I know them off by heart now and every morning when I wake, I thank the universe for granted me another day and affirm it will be a wonderful day, I then recite these affirmations, I believe they are very powerful. I learnt about affirmations from Marc Allen and Louise Hay, I really recommend you read some of their books or listen to their meditations on Youtube.

What are affirmations?

 Affirmations, really, are simple. They are you being in conscious control of your thoughts. They are short, powerful statements. When you say them or think them or even hear them, they become the thoughts that create your reality. Affirmations, then, are your conscious thoughts.

Research has shown that we have between 45,000 and 51,000 thoughts a day. That’s about 150 to 300 thoughts a minute. Research has also shown that for most people 80% of those thoughts are negative.
Now, we have been taught to think that most of these 51,000 thoughts are “sub-conscious” thoughts meaning that they are below our conscious awareness level. Affirmations actually make your sub-conscious thoughts conscious. Affirmations make you consciously aware of your thoughts. When you start making conscious positive thoughts, you actually become more aware of the negative thoughts that are always threatening to take over.
It’s an interesting phenomenon, really. It actually proves true what your mother always warned: be careful of what you think because what you think is what you get. She was basically telling you that you create what you think about.
When you’re not aware of your thoughts, they tend to be negative. And not being aware of your thoughts tends to cause a nasty spiral downward. Remember that 80% figure of negative thoughts? It gets worse. Whatever you are thinking about, 90% gets carried over to the next day’s 51,000 thoughts. So, if you’re thinking negative thoughts, you will cause yourself to think more negative thoughts. This is not going to get you out of your rut.
Affirmations can change all of that! Affirmations make you conscious of your thoughts. To affirm means to say something positively. It means to declare firmly and assert something to be true. Affirmations are statements where you assert that what you want to be true is true. (

I finished this canvas today that I started over a year ago, this has many layers and started off life as a Marilyn Monroe painting, after I 'rainbowed' it and daubed the excess off the head shape remained, I am happy with it now.

I'm really enjoying taking time out to do things I love, I think its really important to fill up your own cup and remember that you are worthy and important <3 p="">

Love Dotty xx


Banish negativity by making sage smudge sticks

Witches kitchen

Today is all about the herbs, gathered from my allotment I have been making sage smudge sticks, putting the dried mint and lemon balm into pots to add to our winter stash and I have been inhaling rosemary to improve my memory and we could all do with some of that! I have also collected some lavender to dry out for baths, lavender bags for christmas presents and to aid a restful nights sleep.

 I have used dried sage ( I just hang it in bunches in my kitchen to dry out) for the top 3, the advantages are its ready to use and you don't have to wait, using fresh sage means you can bind the leaves tighter but you have to hang it up and wait before you can use it which takes longer because its not loose.

What is smudging?

"Smudging" is the common name given to a powerful cleansing technique from the Native American tradition; however, the burning of herbs for emotional, psychic, and spiritual purification is a common practice among many religious, healing, and spiritual traditions. It is a ceremonial way to cleanse a person, place or an object of negative energies or influences. It is also an effective method for energizing or blessing a person, place or object.
Smudging can be useful when you're feeling depressed, angry, resentful, unwell or after you have had an argument with someone. It is common to smudge yourself, the space and all the guests or participants before a ritual or ceremony or celebration. You can smudge your home or work space as part of a general spiritual housecleaning, and you can cleanse crystals or other objects of any negative or lingering energy with a smudging ritual. (

How to smudge

 Any action undertaken with intention and belief can become a potent ritual, so consider your intention before you smudge and hold it clearly in your mind. Smudging should be done with care, with reverence and in an attitude of love.

A candle flame is recommended to light the smudge stick as it may take a little time to get the stick smoking. Once the stick is alight with flame, blow it out so that the smudge stick is smoldering, not burning - be careful not to blow ash everywhere. If you're using loose leaves, a candle is still recommended, but the single leaf will light much more quickly - again, you want to blow out the flame so the sage doesn't burn away too rapidly (you won't get the sweet sage smoke if it burns rather than smolders).(

Thursday, 22 October 2015

Goodbye dear friend

 Yesterday we said goodbye to a wonderful light worker who couldn't live with how cruel and messed up our world is.

Calum was only in his 20's, but he already made an impact on all of us he met, he battled on through the despair and depravity that is Blackpool trying to spread happiness and warmth wherever he went. He is now on another plain, maybe flying high with the stars, maybe in another realm which only few know exist. What we can be certain of is he is finally free of the struggle the awakened ones deal with on a daily basis. It's made me realise though how separate we all are, how we support each other from afar, some of us try to get things going so we can feel part of something and feel at ease in like minded people's company, we need to physically connect more with each other to make sure everyone is supported and loved, to keep our spirits boosted and to out way the destruction and depravity we witness and do our best to block out.
 I know a lot of the time I choose to live in a bubble of love and I see the wonder and amazing world in which we live, sometimes I do get sad, I have experienced depression many years ago and have had family members with mental issues so I know it's pretty hard sometimes to be in a bubble alone. Lets expand our bubbles to connect with each other in the real world to save others from leaving us like Calum.

I first met Calum when he came running up to me in the street, he said "are you Dotty Delightful?" I was taken aback, it seemed a bit weird to be recognised, He said " I follow you online" then proceeded to give me a massive hug, he was a bit confused why I was in Blackpool town centre, he asked what I was doing because he thought I lived in the countryside ( I think because of my chicken photos and the garden etc) when I looked at his lovely face I didn't want to disappoint him so I lied and said yes I do live in the countryside. Since that encounter on the street we chatted loads of times and hung out and he used to come into my shop with his rucksack full of things to make people happy, once he pulled out a kazoo, he had water pistols and all sorts in there. 

If everyone got in touch with their inner child the world would be a happier place to be, if we all expressed unabashedly our feelings for each other, our planet would be more joyful, we need to live in a state of love and helping others.

Goodbye my dear friend, your memory will live on forever xx

If you are suffering from depression or need to talk to someone there is
a safe online community of people who are anxious, down or not coping who support and help each other by sharing what’s troubling them, guided by trained professionals.
Available 24/7, it is completely anonymous so you can express yourself freely and openly. Find it here: Big white wall

Thursday, 15 October 2015

My dream job - making art

I have a dream, I have had it since I was 12 in art class at school, I drew a pair of hands, shaping a bamboo handle, it was a pencil drawing and my teacher really praised me for it, it built my confidence and I knew I wanted to be a fashion designer, I loved the feeling of making marks on a page and it transforming in front of my eyes, when I was 16 i went to art college and loved it so much, I learnt so much and I really wanted to be an artist and live in Paris (after studying fashion design in London) but alas fate had other ideas and I met someone and was pregnant at 17, I had my first baby one month after turning 18. I had to drop out of art college because I was so ill from pregnancy, I then went onto having 2 more children all before I was 22. I lived life in a domestic bubble (not one of love either, but that's a whole new story) eventually we split up and I was a single mum with 3 children under the age of 5, no time for drawing or painting or much else to be honest. Then after a couple of years of madness and me trying to 'find' myself things settled down and I began painting again, I was a single parent for 8 years then I met my one true love.

No matter how many different jobs I have had or hobbies I have tried I have always come back to drawing, I have always wanted to do it for a living, I can't imagine anything better, I am always telling my sons to find a job they love and they will never have to work a day in their lives, I want drawing, creating art and painting to be my work.

I haven't put this 'out there' before but I have changed a lot this year and next year I am 40, I am just going to be honest and say it as it is from now on, I have been self employed for 14 years and although I have had wonderful successes, its never been constant, from one week to the next I don't know if I am going to earn money, I trust the universe will always look after me and my loved ones, I truly do, but it would be so nice to be able to not even think about money, to be able to know I can do amazing things and help others without having to be thinking where the next bit of cash is coming from. So now I am putting it out there to the universe and the world....

 I want to draw and paint and sell my beautiful creations in an easy and relaxed manner, in a healthy and positive way, in it's own perfect time for the highest good of all.

So I am now taking commissions, Shhh Christmas is coming (#sorrynotsorry) so if you would like your own piece of bohemian art making for your loved one, get in touch or send me a message on Facebook

Saturday, 3 October 2015

Instagram share

My Saturday morning before I start the last day of my resort ambassador job. Organic granola with almonds, flaxseeds and rice milk, a beetroot, apple, orange and carrot juice and the new issue of natural health magazine ‪#‎breakfast‬ ‪#‎healthy‬ ‪#‎juice‬ ‪#‎juicing‬ ‪#‎naturalliving‬ ‪#‎beetroot‬ ‪#‎flaxseed‬ ‪#‎omega3‬ ‪#‎vegan‬

Friday, 2 October 2015

Torquay trip

We had a wonderful break in Torquay just me and the Mr, first time we have been away for 4 days on our own without children!
It was lovely, such a beautiful part of our country, I would definitely visit again!

We went with National holidays for a 4 day break, we got it at a last minute bargain price of £89, that included all travel, hotel and food. Unfortunately the hotel wasn't very good, there was no veggie options, not even salad and the room needed redecorating, but it was in a god location, a few minutes from the prom which had amazing sunsets and for the price it was an OK place to sleep.

We made the most of the all day bus tickets and went all over the coast, rode on a steam train, went on the ferry and saw a dolphin in the sea, we also had a sunset walk at Babbacombe and saw a seal who comes right up to the harbour wall for a chat!

I would love to go again, the weather was beautiful and it rekindled our loving side to our relationship, which is sometimes hard when you have children, animals and jobs to do x

5 ways to tell if you were brought up by hippies

Check this out by Hippy Bloggers to see if you were brought up by hippies:
Were you raised by hippies? If so you might recognize some of these signs from your childhood. You probably have your own special stories related to your childhood, some of these tell your entire life story, and some of these don’t even touch the surface. Either way, take a look and reminisce about your childhood, which was probably a simpler time filled with flowers and kale.

1. You didn’t have a TV growing up

The other kids usually talked about the latest episode of the hit sit-com that they would watch with their family from the night before, and you would be talking about the books that you’ve been reading. Although part of you probably craved to have that TV at the time, odds are now you understand why your parents did it, and you thank them for it.


2. You meditate when you need to figure out your life

Since you were a little kid, you knew how to meditate in a way that worked for you. Not only did your parents encourage you to meditate frequently, they probably nagged you to do it whenever you were stressed or irritable. You probably still do it today, more than you admit to your parents, at least. You know that meditating is one of the best ways to clear your mind, and generally helps you solve the problems in your life.

3. You could live without meat and it wouldn’t impact your life much

When you were growing up, you had a very loose relationship with meat. Either you never ate it, you only ate it at school, or you only had it on special occasions. Regardless, you have lived more of your life dedicated to spinach, tofu and other protein replacements, and you could easily phase meat out of your life.

4. You have old tie dye shirts that you made yourself from back in the day

In the back of your closet, with your boxes of old mementos, sits your old homemade tie dye clothing from that day that your mom came home and said “We’re going to express ourselves today!” and dropped a pile of dyes and white clothing at you and your sibling’s feet.

5. You know that hemp has no limits to its uses

Regardless of what anyone believes about marijuana’s uses, you know that besides that the plant itself has many uses. From clothing material, to soaps and shampoos, to even paper or building materials, and that’s why you don’t understand that it is illegal.