Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Banish negativity by making sage smudge sticks

Witches kitchen

Today is all about the herbs, gathered from my allotment I have been making sage smudge sticks, putting the dried mint and lemon balm into pots to add to our winter stash and I have been inhaling rosemary to improve my memory and we could all do with some of that! I have also collected some lavender to dry out for baths, lavender bags for christmas presents and to aid a restful nights sleep.

 I have used dried sage ( I just hang it in bunches in my kitchen to dry out) for the top 3, the advantages are its ready to use and you don't have to wait, using fresh sage means you can bind the leaves tighter but you have to hang it up and wait before you can use it which takes longer because its not loose.

What is smudging?

"Smudging" is the common name given to a powerful cleansing technique from the Native American tradition; however, the burning of herbs for emotional, psychic, and spiritual purification is a common practice among many religious, healing, and spiritual traditions. It is a ceremonial way to cleanse a person, place or an object of negative energies or influences. It is also an effective method for energizing or blessing a person, place or object.
Smudging can be useful when you're feeling depressed, angry, resentful, unwell or after you have had an argument with someone. It is common to smudge yourself, the space and all the guests or participants before a ritual or ceremony or celebration. You can smudge your home or work space as part of a general spiritual housecleaning, and you can cleanse crystals or other objects of any negative or lingering energy with a smudging ritual. (http://www.sageandwisdom.net/what-is-smudging.html)

How to smudge

 Any action undertaken with intention and belief can become a potent ritual, so consider your intention before you smudge and hold it clearly in your mind. Smudging should be done with care, with reverence and in an attitude of love.

A candle flame is recommended to light the smudge stick as it may take a little time to get the stick smoking. Once the stick is alight with flame, blow it out so that the smudge stick is smoldering, not burning - be careful not to blow ash everywhere. If you're using loose leaves, a candle is still recommended, but the single leaf will light much more quickly - again, you want to blow out the flame so the sage doesn't burn away too rapidly (you won't get the sweet sage smoke if it burns rather than smolders).(http://www.sageandwisdom.net/what-is-smudging.html)

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