Sunday, 21 February 2016

How to succeed on Etsy

I have been making some new art prints and trying out a new technique this week.

Its pretty cool process, I paint the background and draw some of the boho and floral patterns on them, then take them to the printers to get copies and then draw onto the copies with the quotes and extra drawings.

I'm thinking of holding an exhibition soon, how awesome would that be! I will have to learn what to do and how to go about it first though!

New art prints now available on my Etsy shop, I have been learning how to build up your Etsy shop this week and found a great blog post with tips and ideas on from Twelve Skip

I am always learning and reading about how to improve my art biz, I take loads of notes to but then forget to follow through!

I have been lucky enough to get some one to one business counselling as part of Communities Can funding, I have been paired with a fabulous boho lady called Melanie from Why not change 
to get my business moving and actually earning me a decent wage, I had homework which I love haha and did follow through with them.

Hope you have had a fabulous weekend and if you have any Etsy tips to share, please do, that would be awesome!

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